

For those who don't know who Knightbus is, he is a member of the BlackDot Staff. He goes by nicknames such as Ratback and Minute Man for reasons I won't get into now. But I will tell you about his newest nickname: Cockdog.

See, Cockdog is the kind of guy that for some reason always ends up getting involved in stupid dares, idiotic challenges, and other plain dumb shit. I have seen him getting whipped with leather belts and extension wires, shirtless. I have seen him voluntarily taking kicks to the testicles in front of an audience. I have seen him strip down to his boxers and stagedive to Limp Wrist. I have seen him get hit over the head with a piece of drywall, chug jelly, and do listerine bongs. The list is endless. And none of these ideas were his. These are all things that Dan, myself or others came up with. We don't know why he does these things we tell him to do. But the other day while talking to Ollie, we came up with an idea that Knightbus would surely refuse. We were to let Dan tattoo him live on the radioshow run by Jackie, another BlackDot staffer. Dan, not a tattoo artist whatsoever, would get to pick the design, and Knightbus would not know what it was until the tattoo was finished.

We all went to the radio station today and well... I am not going to bother writing up the rest of the story. Just look.

I must admit, I don't know anyone who has enough balls to do this. Everyone in their right mind would refuse. Not Cockdog. He manned up and got a shitty tattoo of a hairy cock that says I heart mom and ridicules his sex life, all in one. Even GG Allin would cringe at it. My hat goes off to you, Dog.

Unfortunately I must end this post on a sad note. The night wasn't all fun. On the way back home, we passed by my favourite corner in the world, St-Catherines and St-Laurent. The four corners of sin. And I'm just going to come out and say it: the Sex Machine is gone. That entire strip of buildings is gone. I couldn't believe it. After losing the best Burger King a few months back, we now will never again stand on the corner looking at the silhouette of the dancing naked lady and wonder if she's real. We will never again bring touring bands up those smelly stairs to get them the sketchiest of sketch. She's gone, friends. Those who know, know, and those who don't... it's too late now.

UPDATE: cockdog radio session now on Youtube!

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