About a decade ago, I was extremely obsessed with the 1980s. This obsession was focused mostly on exclusively listening to and knowing trivia about '80s hardcore, and fanatically watching '80s comedies preferably themed around high schools or police academies. At one time I was doing Push The Limit fanzine and was working on another zine that I named Spandex Youth, which would focus entirely on '80s stuff I was into. I was going to review all kinds of movie scenes, old hardcore and skateboarding photos, 8-bit video games, etc. I made a few pages, but never got around to finishing it. The other day though, I stumbled upon the only tangible evidence of my obsession from that era: the original photos I took for a Spandex Youth ad. I figured I'd pull a few of them out of limbo for you.
Keep in mind that when I took these (1999-2000) most hardcore kids were still either wiggers or singing about suicide in tight black shirts and studded belts. Being 'goofy' was not cool. Hi-top sneakers or 'oldskool' vans had not yet been remade. Ironic hipsters had not yet ruined the style. The 1980s were frowned upon by most in this terrible era, but I was on my own, "Livin' in the '80s"...

"ironic hipsters"
goeie post
It's amazing to see pictures of young spoiler. Remember me in spandex youth oufit at some America's Youth rehearsal? I remember it's the first time you menitoned it to me.
edit: mentioned
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